Project Focus – Mezzanine Solution for autobody repair shop
Design Challenge:
For 35 years, a locally owned autobody repair shop in Central Oahu has been restoring damaged vehicles to factory paint specifications. As their business expands,
they struggle with inefficient storage for replacement parts, which clutters space needed for ongoing projects and hampers productivity. We were tasked with devising
a more efficient storage solution for future project parts, keeping them out of the way of current jobs.
Design Criteria:
The company operates in a warehouse with a tall ceiling. They asked us to design a sturdy, freestanding storage system for heavy autobody parts, utilizing the unused vertical
space. The system needed to support large loads on six columns, allowing vehicles to be worked underneath. The system should not attach to the building and be easy to disassemble if needed.
Unistrut Hawaii Solution:
We provided an FCP Free Space Mezzanine with the FCP ConnectRite cold-formed steel connection system. This innovative, moment resistant system maximizes load capacity
and open floor space while meeting seismic requirements. The efficient column spacing optimizes space beneath the mezzanine and offers substantial storage above, allowing
the client to relocate their inventory without needing more real estate, avoiding extra costs and disruptions.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024